Friends, Family, Fun: Boat Rental Gold Coast

 When my husband and I first moved to Gold Coast, south of Sydney, we both knew we couldn’t live anywhere but in the city. Even six years later, we still get our families from home every weekend and spend an afternoon running around the city with our friends. We love living in a city with so much culture, music, food, and fun. So it was only natural that when we found ourselves on a boat rental holiday in the Boat Rental Gold Coast, there would be some exploring to do. And sure enough, after experiencing many different rentals in different parts of Australia, this one felt like the right fit! The property was great; the staff was all super helpful; and the location was perfect - just around the harbor at Westfield Macarthur Park!

What to know before you book a boat rental on the Gold Coast

First things first, let’s get this straight. We love to party, but our family is also essential to our lives. We live in a small town, so the idea of a boat trip around the city is natural for us. Yes, we do have a car, but it has never been a part of our routine. We call it “me time”, but that’s not what we call it. We love to enjoy the city, but not the party life! So, when we go on a boat rental, we want to do it as a family, not just us. Of course, this means someone else has to help out around the boat and with the onboard groceries and other supplies, but that doesn’t mean they have to be the most popular in the house!

What is a boat rental?

A boat rental is an adventure boat tour that is based on a city’s history, culture, and skyline. They usually have a few different options for different cities, like; one-way tickets to Sydney, or round-trip to other Australian cities. To pick the city you want to take the boat to, you just book it online, and the associate will guide you around the city, showing you where to eat, shop, and more. You can also book a trip with a local fishing charters company, like boat tour The Private Eye, which we will discuss below.

How to find a boat rental on the Gold Coast

The best way to find a boat charter services gold coast is to book a cruise. Conquest Australia, the cruise line that operates the Best of the World cruise, has many places to choose from, so you can save money on the rental price. You can also call the company and ask if they have a fleet of boats in the area you’re interested in.

How much does a boat rental cost on the Gold Coast?

Because all boats are different, and you’ll have a different experience when you rent one, the cost of a boat on the Gold Coast can vary greatly depending on the type of boat you choose. 

What’s left for us to do next?

If you’re looking for a family-friendly experience, a beach fishing gold coast is a great option. The waves are stable, there’s a healthy amount of food and drink on offer, and the scenery is beautiful. So, if you want to enjoy downtime with your loved ones while they party, why not try the goldcoast fishing? Contact Paradise Fishing now.


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